Investments in drug discovery technologies continue to reward the scientific community at large with developments in analytic procedures like cell based assays. As the need for constant improvement drives investors to seek out the next big thing, we continue to see incredible developments in drug discovery technologies worldwide. Keeping pace with the developments can be difficult, but indeed the need the do so far outweighs the difficulty.
These developments have brought numerous benefits to the lab, including the removal of the need for manual cell counting. Like many advancements in recent years, improvements in various cell based assays have rewarded researchers with improved efficiency and more accurate results. Cell based assays utilize cell counts to measure a variety of information-including the number of living cells or particular cell ratios-and depend on the requisite equipment’s ability to accurately measure changes in specific physical characteristics, such as fluctuations in electrical current or light transmission. While that necessary precision required the undivided attention of lab techs in the past, today’s cell based assays can instead depend on advanced automated equipment and techniques. The advancements in the relevant drug discovery technologies has led to the production of equipment and techniques that far surpass the limits we had once imagined these machines would be capable of. More automation in the processes themselves have freed up time for teams to focus their attentions and interests on more pertinent points of interest elsewhere.
As the technology utilized in drug discovery continues to advance and divest to suit wider needs, we’re seeing a variety of benefits. The automation that cell based assays have benefited from has spread to other fields, labs and processes. Worldwide, we’re seeing the implementation of other automated processes that can handle incredibly complicated tasks. While these tasks were once seen as too complex, valuable or demanding to simply leave in the hands of a machine, more and more R&D centers are coming to depend on them for a variety of reasons. Indeed, the most pertinent reason may be the significant amount of time and manpower that these automated processes free up. With a top of the line machine of sufficient sophistication, a surprising number of repetitive processes can now be accomplished with the bare minimum of human input. Considering adopting more automated processes is no longer a luxury for the most well funded labs. Instead, with each and every day it’s quickly becoming a requirement for any lab that’s hoping to stay relevant.
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